Is it okay to not Know what you want to do With your life?
‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ A simple question, right? You’ve been asked this question since you walked through those kindergarten school doors. The typical answers are usually ‘I want to be a teacher,’ ‘I want to be a nurse,’ or even ‘I want to play in the NBA.’ But what about you? What do you want to be?
A couple of years have passed, and you’ve gotten a little older, but something has changed. Maybe you’ve seen how teachers are treated in the classroom and don’t want to go to jail for smacking a kid; perhaps you’ve realized nursing is a high-stress environment; or maybe your dream of going to the NBA has been crushed by your height or lack of skill.
So, now what? Everyone around you seems to have their stuff together and a plan in motion, but you. Teachers ask you the magic question, ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ Instead of telling the truth, you lie. You evade, dodge, and wiggle your way out.
Are you still telling people you want to be a teacher to get them off your back? You talk about how you will be a lawyer, a doctor, or an accountant to make the family money and to make the family proud. Lie after, Lie after, Lie after, Lie after, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, till you don’t even know what you want anymore.
So, let me ask you a question. Do you know what you want to be?
Feeling Lost In Life
Look, contrary to what your family or teachers are making you feel, it is okay not to know your next step in life. Heck, all these people that are acting like they have it together—let me be the first to tell you they don’t.
Some people are late bloomers, and that’s okay. Right now, you need to focus on what you’re good at and hone in on those skills. You can try doing this and that, getting a feel for something you have a talent in, then possibly seeing yourself do that in the future.
Trust me that eventually, you’ll figure it out. Everyone is trying to find their greater purpose on Earth when you really need to take it one day at a time. Each and every person on Earth has their own journey, and right now, you’re walking yours, so trust it.
You were born for a reason, and just because you haven’t found it yet doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Have Faith! If not in a higher being, then in yourself. Not everything is going to come to you right now. That’s why we’re alive. To grow. People change, and people evolve, and only by doing this will you find your true calling.
But don’t be mistaken. Your true calling is not gonna be like some grand end of the movie, punching your fist in the air and walking into the sunset with a Hanz Zimmer score playing behind you.
Sometimes, you find your calling in the little things. In the free doughnut you got from school, a random dollar you found on the sidewalk, or seeing a rainbow in the sky. These things will make you smile and laugh and remind you to keep going.
And Please Remember
Don’t Compare Yourself To Others.
Glinda Radner
Comparison is what drives man mad. We see someone else doing things we wish we could do, doing things we know we can do, but now we become corrupt. You see, jealousy is only a seed planted by our bruised egos we’re scared to try something.
Sure, you may argue you did try, but in the end, you gave up while that other person kept going. Ultimately, we’ll all get what’s ours; you just have to work as hard as you believe.
So, why are you so stuck on what this other person is doing? Instead of being jealous, be inspired. If they can do it, why can’t you? Let that be a driving force that leads you to do whatever your heart desires. You keep saying you don’t have a plan; you have no idea what you want to be in life. That’s a lie.
You absolutely know deep down what you want to do, but you don’t know how to get there. You’re scared to take that risk, and it’s okay because eventually when you’re ready, you will.
When you stand at the top of the mountain, and it’s time to fall, instead of holding on to the harness for dear life and shaky knees, you will close your eyes and just fall. Petter told Miles In Into The Spider Verse, “It’s just a leap of faith. ”
And that is really what life is and what life is all about. How many leaps are you willing to take until you finally reach the finish line?
And I know it’s scary. It’s terrifying, but isn’t never knowing a worse torture? If all you are living with are ‘what ifs,’ how do you sleep at night? Do you dream of a million possibilities that never come to fruition because you never tried? If you never try, if you never take that risk, how will anything change?
And yes, change is scary. But it’s necessary. I also hate change because it’s uncomfortable; it takes the certainty away. Yet that isn’t the point. You can never grow if you’re stuck in the same routine.
You keeping following the same routine that makes you feel safe and grounded, but it’s a poison slowly killing you. We crave comfortability, and once we have it, we never want to let it go—even if it’s like a blanket covered in mold and welting at the seams.
But being uncomfortable is how you find yourself. Standing on stage giving a speech when you fear public speaking is how you truly find yourself. Once you finish, you’re proud, right? Because you completed something you never thought you could.
So, embrace the change and embrace your journey.
In Conclusion.
It is perfectly fine not to know what you want to do in your life. Nobody knows what they want to do with their life! Things change, plans change, but always remember to have faith. I trust that you will find your way.
And while you do, please don’t get swept up by other people. Your friends, parents, or even teachers may be rushing your journey. You might feel jealous because your friend has a 10-year plan, or your parents keep talking about your cousin, sister, or brother. Remember that you are your own person. What they say doesn’t matter.
This is your life. The day you start taking control of it is when you’ll know true happiness and self-fulfillment. You caring about other people’s opinions is what’s keeping you stuck right now. You’re watching YouTube videos of millionaire teens living in a big mansion and a fast car.
For one, it’s unrealistic. These teens are 1%, and two, it makes you feel crappy. Now, you’re feeling behind in a life you just started.
So, as I said, worry about yourself. You are your number one priority! Stop comparing yourself to other people, looking inside everybody’s glass house when you don’t know what stones/cracks they have inside.
I believe in you, and I trust you will find your way!
Love, Missy
The End.